Bras, an Italian manufacturer of beverage dispensers, launched its first machines in the mid-60s. The concept that came from the United States was revolutionary in Europe, because it meant dispensing cold drinks completely different. Curiosity, the transparent deposit, the concept of Look and Drink, and the attractive colors make this New dispensing system gains ground and revolutionizes beverage distribution in a few years. Throughout these 50 years Bras has been evolving and expanding its range. The first machines were dispensers of carbonated beverages mainly beer that evolved until Bras detected the potential of non-carbonated drinks and future benefits. That is why it concentrates its production in beverage dispensers Cold, frozen, and also hot. Another innovative step of Bras was the magnetic drive system whose importance is evidenced by patents covering, Europe, the United States and Japan. Today the range, in addition to chillers, sorbeteras, and slush machines, includes ice cream machines that are revolutionizing the market